Failed STEP 1 1st attempt, ✨ PASSED✨ 2nd attempt! Thank you Jesus!!!

I’d like to thank God for always being beside me and blessing me with this PASS! Many times I wanted to give up but He kept me pushing. Proof that He is real and PRAYER does work! It was All God not me.

I took Step 1, 2 years ago. My NBMEs were all low (55-59) should’ve not sat for it, but I did bc my permit was done and my free120s were both 61,62. Got my score back and sure enough I was borderline failing.

This time around all my NBMEs 25-31 were avg of 70. Free 120s avg of 75 (2021-2024). I worked on my test anxiety with a psychologist and walked into exam confident that I can pass this and the person I was 2 years ago was not the same.

Test day: Every block I did I started it with a deep breath and saying in God’s name🙏🏻 Helped me soooo much to stay calm throughout test. I flagged an avg of 15 qs per block and took breaks after every block. On my 5th block I realized I only had 5 min left of a break 😭 so I did 5th and 6th block back to back. Then after 6th block took a 5 min break.

Post-exam feeling: I walked out feeling like the exam was difficult and was hoping I’d flag less questions per block but I knew I had done everything I could and was praying for that PASS. Immediately got home and started checking questions😂 I made silly mistakes but also got some right I thought they were wrong. Honestly it’s not worth checking the questions bc even after knowing I had some right and wrong, I felt the same anxiety. The 2 weeks waiting period was torment. Id have flashbacks of my fail report and wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. I was more nervous now than before the test lol.

So, if you feel like you can’t do it or unsure if you failed, TRUST GOD and your scores. I ended up realizing that I usually flagged about 1/3 of all my tests and that’s how STEP was. I felt better and could feel inner peace through prayer that everything was going to be okay!

Id say consistent scores is super important. All were high 60s low 70s with my highest free120 being 78. Work on test anxiety (I saw a psychologist) to be able to think clearly. Do something fun every week to have a healthier mindset.

I’m writing this as a testimony that with GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! Matthew 19:26 Keep pushing AND DO NOT GIVE UP! If I can do it, you can too!!!

I used Uworld, Kaplan (after doing uw twice) I only did 50% Kaplan. Saw/read ch.1-3 pathoma. Did amboss 200 concepts, 30 topics 30 days (amboss too). All NBMEs and free120s. I also did the wolfpacc program which helped immensely with test taking strategies and gave me confidence to keep pushing. Sketchy micro, physeo genetics, dirty medicine anatomy and biochem. Did mehlman arrows (50%), immuno and neuroanatomy (50%). Rapid boards review on Spotify scored me some points as well.

Please don’t ask for recall questions. It’s cheating and unethical. They will know if you cheat and will flag you, not worth it.

Old free 120 (2021) pdf is on link and explanations available: free120 2021

More free120s

2024 free120 had many repeats from 2022, I recommend doing 2024 first or if you do 2022 have someone check answers for you and don’t review till 2024 exam is completed.