The TRUE problem people have with veganism.....

I brought up a topic to a very important person in my life who is not vegan. The topic was specifically about egg consumption and its continual indirect and direct consequence to the well-being of animals.

This is in reference to the part in 'Dominion' that showcases what most factory/"pasture-raised" farms do to small male chicks because they do not produce eggs.

This particular person is someone who is dear to me and I often perceived them as being reasonable and level-headed when new information is provided to them. However, this was not the case this time around.

I told them detail for detail why I do not consume eggs and their reactions was so disappointing. Their face went sour, they accused all involved w/ the documentary as solely eating beyond burgers (as to discredit the validity of their ethics?! like what?!), they began sulking and overall maintained a nasty attitude.

Although I was hurt by their reaction, I realized one thing: People are only offended by vegan ideals because they cannot handle the idea that they are indirectly (and sometimes directly) involved with the overall awful treatment of animals.

Compassion and patience are important when discussing these topics, but HONESTY trumps them all. There is no change without a slight bit of discomfort.

I realized not everyone is ready to hear the truth, but that will never mean that vegans have it all wrong and that we are "pompous, self-serving, egotistical maniacs" because we get a bit irate when people say they love animals, but continue to eat meat.

So the problem isn't with veganism, but the fact that everyone believes that they're a good person until they're face with the truth that their actions have both direct/indirect awful consequences.

I don't know if this is a pointless rant or not, but that interaction has left an impact. I tend to avoid conflict, but since becoming vegan I cannot sit back and stay quiet anymore!!!

This was instantly deleted when I first posted and I think it was the use of certain words, sorry mods!!