JellyCat Inspo: I went to Mr. Pickles in Ocala, and I found some things that made my day. The first picture is everything I got. However, the sage huge dragon is for somebody else on Reddit
Different kind of “boy mom” rant
How many people have you met who have the same surname as you but aren't related to?
Find this teddy for my daughter
Ukraine flags
I agree with pacey on this
Are women allowed to "read" numbers and count?
Good going America!
“are you too stunned to speak?”
Almost 4 year old son wants to be a girl
2025 Passport owners, What did you Pay vs MSRP?
For the moms who carried your own child, would you have opted for surrogacy if that option was on the table? For those that had surrogates, would you do that again?
I’m a noob, what breed is this cutie?
New teaser from Jellycat’s Facebook page!
When did you stop staying with your child until they fell asleep?
Found Alicia's Next Tattoo
Just got summonsed for jury duty
Central Bucks vs New Hope Solebury School district
Anxiety cause you to have a headache or either side of your head around the ear?
I got 10 minutes, help me decide!
What works to calm you down at the doctors?
How do you handle having siblings with the same birth month?
Watch this video on YouTube...unbelievable!☝️😳🫨
If you were a child-free person who was electively sterilized, where would you be sent in Gilead?
i don't get why people send this Family Items