Are you waiting till marriage and if so why?

Just looking for people’s opinions on waiting till marriage to lose your virginity. I’m a 30 year old male virgin and have been struggling with this lately. I’ve had multiple Christian girlfriends in the past and none of them were virgins. Also most of the Christian women I meet on dating apps aren’t virgins either, if that topic comes up.

I get that the Bible tells us to wait till marriage but if I can’t even find a single woman to date who’s also a virgin, I don’t see the point of me waiting. I get that they exist because my brother’s wife was actually a virgin at marriage but I personally have not been able to find one I can date. The longer I wait, the harder it gets. As time goes on, I think there’s just going to be less and less virgins to choose from as well because it’s becoming more of the norm in the Christian church to not wait.