Are you waiting till marriage and if so why?
What would you do?
Y'all can't tell me that these two ain't sisters
Can't hit a 3 to save my life, AMA
Which sport is the most boring to watch?
Should I get NBA 2k25 on ps5 or xbox?
6 months unemployed and I’m really tired of the countless applications and interviews with them going nowhere
7 “Play Now Online” games in a row…
Do you have any online friends?
Why does it seem like guys find mustaches more attractive than women?
IF there is a College Hoops 2K26 then they should just bring back The Neighborhood into that game and keep The City in NBA 2K
Yay or nay??
With or without?
How's my moustache growth?
Was in the Army dreaming of growing a beard, now here i am. Any advice for the patches or just filling it in? 3 weeks so far.
Beard or no?
Servers are ass today
Trying to grow a Tom Selleck type mustache week 4
(19yo) Should I just grow out?
Not sure what to do with it anymore.
Its always something with FedEx every day
More than half a year since the game has came out, after all the updates and hours you've spent on the game, what rating do you give it? 1-10
I’m 18 need advice
Should I shave, trim or let it grow ? M28
Is anybody else having an issue with the servers?