Infinite with Doom 2099 (matchups and how to easily beat this deck) CL 11,976
This was a relatively quick climb, stalling out in the mid-90s until I switched from the Magneto version to Lockdown.
The play lines on this deck are pretty simple (which is what annoys a lot of people I think):
Turn 1: Zabu if you don’t have a hand full of 4 drops.
- if I have Zabu, Psylocke, and 2099 in hand I will skip Zabu and just psylocke on 2 to save board space.
Turn 2: Psylocke or Zabu if you just drew him.
Turn 3: 2099 > Galacta > War Machine > Storm - Galacta is good in this deck but not amazing. If you have Infinaut in hand and no Doom, I would get WM out instead (also, location dependent of course).
Turn 4: I often Red Guardian here, or Luke Cage if it’s safe. If you play Luke make sure you play him somewhere Guardian-proof.
Turn 5: something big or techy
Turn 6: Doom > Infinaut - Infinaut obviously if you need to go tall.
Luke Cage is absolutely mandatory in this list. Wait as long as possible to drop him or make sure to play him somewhere safe. A TON of US Agents running around.
Mirror match is won by whoever plays 2099 first. If your opp plays him first and you do not immediately RG him there is no point in staying.
Storm -> WM -> Legion is NOT plan A. Or B. Storm is good for location updating more than anything. WM for access to a blocked lane. Etc.
Move bounce/Move - 30/70. If they have a slow start or you somehow RG their Torch then good for you. Otherwise feels quite bad.
Iron Patriot - 50/50. Depends on the start. Overall I just protected Doom and focused on spreading out power. RG Victoria Hand on sight, or Collector. Whoever comes down first.
Mirror - 50/50. If you get 2099 down first snap, if your opponent does then retreat.
Discard - 60/40. I felt favored here. Infinaut can go very tall and RG turns off Drac and sometimes Morbius.
Destroy - 60/40 if no Nimrod. 30/70 if Nimrod. Just too much power that goes wide and we don’t run enough tech.
Wiccan Pile - 45/55. They just have a lot of tools at their disposal, and a turn 5 chunker followed by Alioth is very tough.
How to beat Doom 2099:
Nimrod. Seriously. I didn’t win once against Nimrod. Shuri -> Nimrod -> Venom and Carnage out powers most of what 2099 can do.
Move. I felt helpless against Move most of the time. No shadow king, killmonger, Shang, etc in this list makes it almost a free win for move.
Bounce. This one feels almost as bad as move, except we can RG black swan or Bishop which can help. Still feels very bad.
Affliction. Only way to win is Luke Cage. Most of the time US Agent + Hazmat just ate me alive.