Picture update of the Daily
The key difference between Vegito and Gogeta is
I like the new characters don't get me wrong, but I hate how there's not a single reliable summanoble slot one character in earlier turns.
First Restoration ☃️
Stop summoning for part 1 guys. Don't forget about THIS.
Holy Crap! Didn’t know this was in there!
Brought an Overtrail home today!
Brought home an Overtrail today
Infinite with Doom 2099 (matchups and how to easily beat this deck) CL 11,976
Another infinite with 2099 post (also, how to easily beat it)
Tracking the Struggle: Number of Games to Infinite from Dec '23 - Jan '25
Worth to spent 6k on Arishem or should I wait for someone else?
Latest pickup as I work on my Avengers run! I love date stamps.
Comic collecting goals for 2025
Not sure which card to get (CL 10650)
Does anyone have this in the collection??
Cannot believe these were sitting at my normally worthless Target
Infinite with Wiccan Fenris
Infinite with Moonknight Darkhawk
Getting sick of this BS...If I have enough tokens, why do I have to wait for the shop to cycle just to purchase the card I want!? The token "shop" is trash.
Is havok worth having for 1 key? Or should I save it for some later spotlight?
Been playing since the Antman season and finally got my first infinity avatar.