6 months unemployed and I’m really tired of the countless applications and interviews with them going nowhere

Back in September I quit my job because I was informed that the company I worked for was cutting jobs and I was going to lose mine in a couple months. If I had ever dreamed I would still be unemployed in 6 months, I probably wouldn’t have quit and stuck it out for a while longer.

I’ve never had a problem getting a job in the past, even without a college degree which I don’t have and I’m 30. It’s gotten to the point that I just need a job and I’m applying to everything, fast food, retail, basically almost anything hiring and I still can’t get a job. At this point I just want to be making money again and working somewhere so I’m not just stuck at home applying to jobs all the time.

I think this is more so a problem with the economy right now, than me because I have a friend who has also been applying to jobs for a long time after being laid off and she can’t find a job either. It just sucks and really hurts your self esteem to be unemployed so long and getting rejection after rejection from potential jobs.