I think I'm failing a subject
Trump is Hypocrite
Shiver me timbers. So edgy
Simple level I made
Congrats finding a subreddit u/Mongoloid360
Stupid Fucking Woke! This makes no sense, MAGA never supported the war in Ukraine.
This person posted a picture of a bed post to the r/Rabbits sub...
r/TheRightCantMeme's existence says otherwise
Can’t be freinds or els you will get stabbed.
MAGA=Stab in the chest for Trans people
Would you like it if the U.S. had an official language (being English)?
Projection, projection, projection. (Also, Conservatives don't brigade "liberal" subs, it's almost always the other way around.
My childhood is ruined
Very sneaky
Punch Elon because he Nazi
Trans allies really love ruining jokes and making them "wholesome and all-inclusive" messages instead
If you saw bluey's please face. (What would you say?)
Opinions of this?
Friday Feb 28 Economic Blackout! Are you in???
So the Liberals want to start a "total economic blackout" boycott this Friday to protest MAGA
This toy has an AI chat bot inside of it
Where do you stand on this political compass test?
I lost Braincells reading this
Michael Moore said this while wearing a buttplug100%
Donald Trump bans Julianne Moore’s children’s book ‘Freckleface Strawberry’: “I’m in great shock”
Marion’s experience is prob the most realistic depiction of a tf in media in terms of shock, terror, desperation, etc.
Thoughts on Pizzacake comics?