Would vegans embrace lab grown meat? Solution to Animal suffering with all the benefits of meat eating
"Is killing the first life form the same as killing all life today?"
Is there any ethical case for not being vegan?
Microscopic footage of a zebrafish embryo growing
Igtheism: can we know if a God exists
What if the universe is irrational?
The Carboniferous Period, an Era before Dinosaurs where insects like Dragonflies (Meganeura) and Millipedes (Arthropleura) were Massive
What is the purpose of 两 ?
If life is about maximising pleasure and minimising suffering, then people should stop having children
Free Will is an illusion
What do you think about Amazons Rings of Power?
The Narrative of Jesus' Birth is Contradictory
There is no point for any God to create and then look at dinosaurs for 165000000 years before engaging with Humans. He could have just spawned humans immediately and got on with it
Scientists created a ‘woolly mouse’ with mammoth traits.
Free Will Doesn’t Exist
Favorite team(s) from each season I’ll start:
God’s 165-Million-Year Absence Contradicts the Idea of Divine Involvement in Earth’s History
Raising Children to Believe in God is Child Abuse
How to write the one electron wave function (for hydrogenic atoms) along with the spin component?
How to say “try” in the context of class work
I hated how other apps teach the characters, so I built my own.
Screw fire, earth, air, and water. Give me your weird ideas for elemental systems
How to prove or debunk a pasaage in the Bible with actual verifiable proof in 1-10 years.
How to get better at spanish
A chart that will help you correctly talk about time and dates in Spanish. What other charts, diagrams, or cheat sheets would you like to see?