Fav song off of this album?
this is from a reply to a highlight from a year ago (i was 16)
it gets worse the longer you look
which is the best album from each era?
if you’re wondering what it’s like to be an alternative woman on the internet, this is it.
Which Song?
How has your music taste changed since you've gotten older?
Whose faces would belong on a Mount Rushmore of metal?
Any band(s) that, no matter how much you listen to them, you just can't seem to get tired of?
What band got you into metal
What is it about that one subgenre that makes you love it?
i posted with a depeche mode song ONCE 😭
Reply with 10/10 albums
my magnum opus
ok there dave 💀
What band got you into black metal?
came across this today
What do I look like I listen to?
I’m so excited to see this movie and have a good time after reading the comic, but I must say the fan posters are better then the one they are using lol but other than that I’m hyped
dave what are you watching
Most frustrating death in the franchise? I'll go first
What song does this to you?
[deleted by user]
They all do this awkward mouth thing in their thumbnails 😭