Who Is The Absolute Stunning Female Character? My ZZZ Fans.
Is the main sub stupid or something?
Why does this gadget that has a SEVEN SECOND window when you cannot use it STILL overshadowed by an objectively worse gadget, jump scare is just broken especially after gadget rework and there is no argument against that
Is it just me. Or does this mod feel unfair/unfun?
Hank Hypercharge goes hard
Probably one of the most overhyped hyper charges
If only I could tell my randoms that Emz is absolutely garbage
Let’s thank supercell for making all of these brawlers basically useless in ranked now that heist is gone
Is Mr.P really the best brawler in the game?
''Brawl Hockey is competitive'' This happened in spen's stream today!
The Meta according to my Ranked Teammates.
Is Lou still valid?
the devs really needs to learn how to balance changes some brawlers (specially buff)
Gray was my choice before but after the new hypercharges dropped, Mr. P is the better choice right?
Brawlers that work best with gadget cooldown gear
What do we think about Bea in the meta?
This tier list is Peak, I promise! (Real)
Hot take: Hank's hypercharge is kinda counterintuitive
love the new gadget upd
Hot Take: Hank Hypercharge turned out to be pretty overhyped
MrP meta is back.
Best Mr p build post hypercharge
Now that its out, what do we think about Hank's hypercharge?
Who would you replace the question mark with?
The temporary lv11 is unfair