Tokyo Trip Day 4 Journal: Chiba & Honjo
My Tokyo Travel Map from 2 Trips During 2022-2025
Which game studio do you support so much that you’d buy anything they release, no questions asked?
Apple 3D Maps vs Google Maps in Metro Vancouver Area
My Local Apple 3D View vs Google Map
With Veilguard being out for a while now, what's your overall ranking of all the games in the franchise?
My 🇺🇸 Hawaii Oahu Honolulu Travel Map 🗺️
You're locked in a house for 1 year with no internet. You get a PC with 3 single player story driven games. What 3 games are you choosing?
Roppongi Hills Mori Tower in Tokyo 🇯🇵
Exploring Fermi X and Beyond
9 Games that Defined My Elementary School Period, What would be yours?
What are the best restaurants in Surrey right now?
An Analysis and Refection of NASA-Punk, Tone and Vibe, The Universe, and Unity: A Different Kind of Spacefaring Humanity
Video Game reviews have lost their usefulness
Sometimes, people develop a special kind of attachment to certain games.
I’ve mapped out my 7 years of life in Vancouver 🇨🇦 using Fog of World
Day 2 and 3 of my Tokyo Trip on TN Tokyo Edition