Any good fanfics?
I just had to post this
If anyone dislikes DJ, please explain why because I am very curious :))
Meanwhile in an alternate dimension (part11)
What is a charcter that you used to dislike but then something (clip, video, discussion) made you like them??
Anyone find it ironic that Gwen is titled as "the loner", but she has probably had the most friendships out of the first gen??
Tell me one character from Total Drama and one from Disventure Camp that you'd want to interact and I will make a image of how everything would go
In a 16-10-8-6 vote Tyler is eliminated! Vote to eliminate your least favorite character!
Throwback to 3 years ago when I tried to make an OC...Let's just say that I didn't have the best artistic skills ;)
Total Shuffled Island- The Big Sleep- Staci was eliminated, Bass loses, vote for one person
Who's most likely gonna get eliminated in episode 1/first boot?
WHo has the Bigger forehead ( Trent or Noah ) ?
Total Drama My Favs, Gen 3 and DC1 are UFE, vote someone off these two teams.
Number of colors that each gen 1 character wears (died hair counts as a color)
Screentime Squares (Box 1) Which character is considered 'good', but gets too little screentime?
Harold Genderbent Makes my Heart Skip a Beat (Harolyn) 🧪☄️🛼
Just finished Disventure Camp season one, here's my overall ranking with it included (I know Riya's in season 2, but I've seen what I needed to of her)
What are some of your unpopular opinions?
Tier list of favs..
Cody ships give
Opinion of others on Courtney's unfair elimination
Tell me your favorite character without telling me your favorite character
Does anyone remember this masterpeice that Antoons made like 3 years ago XD
If you could make a new season with gen 1 who will your final 5 be???
what season of total drama do you think is the funniest?