Is anyone willing to send me a code to the breakfast app?
Matorima od 85 godina se jako žuri.
Dobar Roštilj u centru Beograda (HITNO!!!)
Kako provodite vreme nakon posla, iscrpljeni?
Studenti 2.0 placaju reklame
Hundreds of thousands of people standing in complete silence in Novi Sad, Serbia
The magnitude of a student protest in Novi Sad. Hundreds of thousands of people are on the streets
Ispred Mosta slobode, 1.2.2025.
Novi Sad (1. Februar 2025.)
Footage from a student protest in Novi Sad
Снимак са зграде код Моста Слободе
Gde mogu da kupim kvalitetne tiganje, nozeve i opremu za kuvanje?
Da li se isplati ici raditi na Brody?
Made some Carbonara for my friends! Plates destroyed
Bojkot visokih cijena prehrane 24. 1. 2025. (petak)
Da li i šta gledate na YouTube dok jedete?
Na šta se misli kada se kaže da neko zna da kuva?
Da li je bezbedno mesati cajeve?
Stranice za prodaju haljina?
5.1.2025. vrh Kablara
Preporuka za Piceriju?
Looks like they are from a cartoon
Posted in r/camping and they told me post here
Xmas eve wake and bake followed by whipping up some deviled eggs for the party tonight
First charcuterie table I did for a wedding
It's French Onion Soup weather
My first attempt at bulgogi... Did not disappoint!