I don't think people like the recent update on the playstore
You have no winner pick and just enjoy the players beefing each other at the moment
No matter if you hate her for this or not, this line is actually hilarious.
Pls make them spoiler free the exit thumbnails😭 (why they should below)
How would you feel if ONC pulled this stunt?
leaked disventure camp season 1 elimination orders!!!!!!
Do I deserve to get bullied for liking these characters?
Imo i think these 2 should be premergers as they are the least interesting story wise. (Pls respond respectfull if u have a opinion)
What is Isabel gonna do?
Out of all the canon seasons, which person had the most unfair elimination and why?
How do you react if Hannah became a premerge boot?
About Marissa…
What are your thoughts on this scene?. And Isabel's Reaction to it
Who is the one person you are CERTAIN is merging
The red team’s situation from boring to divided from the last elimination
Which plush out of these six would you get?
_____ is playing the best game so far
What were Hannah and Benji thinking by voting Spencer out.
I really hate how the fandom so sensitive and childish.... (these aren't the worst ones even)
Lynda feeling smug after pulling a psychological move by making fun of the other team:
Realistically, how far do you think you would make it if you competed on Survivor, and why?
What are things s5 needs that lack still?
Where do you think the eliminated girls would be placed in each mission if they weren't eliminated?
(Day 7) how would you rank Gabby in All Stars