Some of the dumber comments on Hila’s new post
Here we go again
what music should i listen to based on what i like?
What temp is that ?
Gear for 6 winter nights out in the Pyrenees
Help with using homography matrix to approximate orbital velocity
Best way to capture series of images with a target time interval and get the exact time between photos taken?
Best way to capture images and get the exact time between photos taken?
My relationship with OneDrive
What is the saddest Slipknot song, in your opinion?
Googles gear guide for alpine hiking
(NO SPECULATION PLEASE) Just wondering if anyone knows what this could be here? Don’t normally see it on in service E190s.
What on earth is sid doing?
Are there any cases of a point being thrown while a train is still passing over it?
Whole hotel building getting fumigated
It’s my drums I’ll play how I want 🤪(Bon Jovi - It’s My Life)
As a long time fan, this is where I have to draw the line. Goodbye
Slipknot question on The Wheel (British TV show)
Should there be concern about this?
What I have learned defending Hila on Twitter in the last 24 hours
Twitch Hateful Conduct Policy
Adjusted set up - looking better?
So my 14 year old wants to learn to play the drums
This shit is honestly depressing