We suffer more in our mind's than we ever do in real life. Worrying is a wasted emotion.
The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy
Self-promotion Thread
I'm thinking of buying a PS3 to play GTA4 as I don't have a PC at the moment although I own a PS4 the resolution might be a step back but I can play some good games and can jailbreak it quite easily. Saw this on FB marketplace is it worth 110$?
Wish me luck modding tonight 🤞
What’s your honest opinion on how this fight goes? I think Evloev is Topuria’s hardest fight at 145 due to the wrestling/grappling. I can see this going into the championship rounds.
Forced to Update to PS4 Firmware 12.02 – Will It Ever Be Jailbreakable?
What’s your favourite “GTA clone”?
Roast my SaaS Landing Page
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I'll roast your landing page
is this what i need to upgrade my storage on the psvita the store said it was orginal
Amazon India is a Fraud
Unable to get Max Payne to work on PS Vita. Please help
Student commit sucide by jumping off the railing in narayana college
Jiri tries his best to deny the gay allegations
How yo download gta sa on ps vita?without pc if possible