What does it mean when someone says they feel like a woman?
We need some punishments for Desters
I mean........sure (dont have alot to say about this tbh)
Funny Desert Eagle themed meme I made.
I can't tell the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps
There almsot asking to get called you-know.what at this point
whamen am i rigth
USA should be a state of Canada
DAE feel both US political parties give the ick?
What game got you like this?
‘May the force be ever in your favor’
Debtors Paradise
Israeli colonist girls FAIL at trolling
If I own a smart fridge, and it gets hacked, can the hackers steal my food?
Former President of Poland Lech Wałęsa wrote the following letter to Donald Trump
If Google Translate had a "Republican" option. [OC]
Here’s a little comic I made about how anti-Christian bias is not a real thing. [OC]
(OC) Trump Says He's Gonna Shoot Your Dad In The Face!
Golf is a Game, Not a Sport
Should American troops leave Europe?
A cool nickname for a Soviet tank?
how do i unremeberer something?
What bank/credit union do you all use? My financial institution is not local, so I'm considering a new one.
Why is france or french people so hated?