MINOXIDIL can I use minoxidil only for first 3-4 months of HT ? after that stop it
8.5 months… feeling like myself again.
22M What should I do?
Feedback on my HT - 3 month
Scabs or what ? 9th day post op. After wash these came out
Today again on 3rd wash. These thing came up. Are these scabs right ?
Severe pain in donor area, day 6
GRAFTS or SCABS? little tensed 8th day post op. Anyone experienced same ?
Day 8th , washed yesterday once , how’s everything! Do you see scabs ?
After FIRST HAIR wash 6th day of HT. I noticed these while washing with saline from DONOR area. Kindly help ! 3500 grafts
Scab formation, are these scabs formed or not ? 6th post op day. And what’s in last photo , Graft or only hair ?