If you don't want people to see you having sex, don't join a club where you send people videos of you having sex. If you are participating in a exhibitionist club, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy.
This is a response to DGG'ers thinking the article had nothing to do with the current situation involving Pxie and Destiny. I am making a post about it here and linking it to them because this response was getting constantly removed from r/daliban for unknown reasons. Feel free to engage.
“Hey [REDACTED], the judge wants to rehear the case”
implied consent
Can someone let me in on the probable joke? Do you guys actually think recent stream makes Destiny look good or is it all a joke? Surely you can't be this idiotic to forget that Pxie had consent to send the nudes and Destiny didn't? Surely you know suicidal people say they are not to their friends?
DGGas when they see mentally ill woman
I'm manifesting this shit bros
Anti-fans really plotting
use your imagination chat
Max should go on jstkl and other post-dgg channels more often. It's the best moment to regrow his audience now and do occasional streams on kick.
I'm broke af right now and don't know what to do.
I can't believe I'm saying this....... I was one of the nonbelivers...... But fk man, WERE SO BACK!!!!😭
Pxie moment
I know the first thing I’d buy
The Courtroom
the anti-fans are in full meltdown mode
But your Honour, she ALSO sent nudes without consent
Drama frogs 🐸 Rise up 😎
Destiny Statement Thread
⚠️⚠️ Pixie files lawsuit against Destiny ⚠️⚠️
I have so much fucking rage.
Good luck explaining this leak Destiny..