The first cologne you ever owed? I’ll start.
People of Britain. What is the best pop?
What sort of hours / shifts are you on?
Outdoor gorilla grows UK
What's the worst biscuit in the UK?
My sons school charging £2.30 for this normal?
What do Brits call gunk in their eyes when they wake up?
Help reassure me I'm not losing it.
Job interview tomorrow!
Driving test today at 3:30
Looking for a new fragrance
Cologne like bleu de channel
fuck this shit im outttt
Keep changing to 4th gear instead of 2nd on roundabouts
At what age did hangovers become a 2+ day affair for you?
Just some info
Anyone find kilner jars bad for storing weed?
Why are so many people emigrating OUT of the UK?
How did you give up smoking?
Do men find a little bit of belly fat attractive on women?
What’s the dumbest, most ridiculous bottle you’ve ever seen?
Is there a scent that isn't a perfume but you wish it was?
What time do you start work?
Whats your top 3 fragrance houses?