So my tap water is very hard (8.2) what are some good botanicals to add to get a nice tea color
My community college is thinking of getting freshwater shrimp. Is my knowledge correct?
Green water or bacterial bloom?
How do you guys like the tank ?
Epsom salt or aquarium salt?
Any advice for minous tank?
Building a new tank have now changed it 3 times in the past 2 weeks still not massively happy what do you think
Using CO2 to kill pests?
I guess I cant go out to eat
5 gold fish in a 10 gallon tank
Bread fail
No one can resist a big fat ass💋
My pothos vine has a completely white leaf
Am I cooked?
I noticed a white dot on my boys tail is this normal?
Can I keep a brisstlenose pleco with my goldfish?
Perfect for a betta!!
Suggestions on what to train on branch that isn't pothos
Psst... Petco has 20 gallon longs for $11.82....
What is proper valet tipping etiquette?
Help please 😭
Tank size for Fantail Goldfish
Accidentally became a goldfish mom to a %# ton of babies. Do I love the chaos? No. Did I expect this much work? Absolutely not. Do I now adore them all? Unfortunately, yes. 🥲😭
help with my 2 goldfish
Is it ok to glue java fern into coal? I don’t have any drift wood but what i do have is a lot of coal from the garden used for orchids.