What's a life hack that's so simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it?
What is something that seems normal now but would be unthinkable 10 years ago?
If you had an income of $150,000 a year and didn't have to work, what would you do with all the spare time?
What’s a skill everyone should learn, but most people don't?
What do you find impressive about yourself?
What’s one habit you picked up that drastically improved your physical health?
What is one word that people wrongly pronounce that makes your brain just wanna jump a cliff?
What is a little bombshell your therapist dropped in one of your sessions that completely changed your outlook on life?
What’s a topic you could talk about for hours without getting bored?
What massively improved your mental health?
What's something from everyday life that was completely obvious 15 years ago but seems to confuse the younger generation today?
Have you grown to be more conservative or liberal w/ age?
What’s something that still hasn’t returned to normal since the pandemic?
What is no longer worth it because of how expensive it has become?
What’s one US state you absolutely will never go to?
What's the biggest lie that everyone believed at the time?
What are you 100% sure of but have no proof?
What's the worst thing people have tried to justify with "It was normal back then, everyone did it"?
What's a scam that you're surprised people still fall for?
Americans who have lived abroad, biggest reverse culture shock upon returning to the US?
What broke your heart completely?
What addiction is seen as completely normal by society?
What is the worst atrocity committed in human history?
What's a terrible addiction that no one really mentions?
What's something you would never buy, even if you have 1 billion dollars?