Why do school buses not have seat belts?
Day 1 of ruining Tails: Megamind
I made this. Now PLEASE give us our boy back !!
Who is this?! Can we name it?!
What do you think happened to Stone after Sonic 3?
Do you guys think we'll ever see this guy again in the movies?
Day 0 of ruining Tails: Give me ideas
Is there a way to be more comfortable in your singing voice?
T-Series vs. _____
To those who genuinely think Eggman is alive- HOW?!
Do you think they're gonna do the Shadow amnesia storyline?
Does anyone else notice Danny’s teeth?
Would it make sense to get kids to do the tails voice in the movies?
Awww, Bluey said hi to you! Your last saved pic is how you greet her back.
This is what we wouldve got if they kept ugly sonic (don't mind tails)
Do you think movie 4 is gonna be the first movie where there are no humans involved?
What character should appear in the post-credits of Sonic 4?
Anything about the Sonic fanbase that makes you like this:
Just incase you don’t already know
What did Sonic see? Perhaps your last saved image?
What if they were a team? What would their team name be?
make the comments look like Danny’s search history!!
What do you reckon the baby's name is?
You get to choose a superpower but someone has to give you a negative
Are there any cartoons with female leads that you actually like? All over the social media, I came across shows with female characters who have tons of hate for how they were written or in general.