How old are u guys?
Not sure if this appropriate/allowed but here’s an artist suggestion similar to Jesse Welles
I got diagnosed!!!!
unpopular opinion users when theres an unpopular opinion
Do any countries consider LGBTQ+ Americans asylum seekers?
Ah, the good old fenny fold
Tracklist for new album releasing Fev 21 !!
TIL Woody Guthrie, friend and role model to Bob Dylan once rented an apartment in the Beach Havens Apartment complex from Fred Trump, Donald Trump's father and wrote the song "Old Man Trump" about Fred Trump's racist policies.
Game day face from Baltimore
What Jesse Welles lyrics?
The worst way to learn.
Who is your number 2?
Congratulations Drake Maye
some of my fav fiona pics
Latest picture of your Shiba
My boyfriend has a habit of having sex with me when I don’t want to.
Looking for a good documentary about the day to day life of a serf or peasant
Excuse the crazy new years makeup but blue or green?
Happy Birthday to Michael Nesmith! On December 30th, 1942, Michael Nesmith was born in Houston, TX.
Don't mind the dog hair, but i have the exact same peacoat as Phil, worn on the cover of I aint marching anymore
According to journalist Jacques Perretti, Kurt Cobain talked to Duff and checked into a hotel under Axl's childhood name before he died.
What is going on with Elon’s weird treatment of his infant son?
Had this for a while, was wondering what shark it was from
My first thought was, how is Brett taking a pic with Angelina Jolie?!