Favorite way to pretty up a survival world?
CashApp as you main bank
what can i change/add in here?
Those whose partners don’t really watch the show but know a phrase from it: what’s the phrase?
Enchanted Nether Brick?
Efficiency 1 - Nether Brick
When will necklace-gate end?
Bought a Peak Pro V2 and it immediately doesn’t work.
Season 4 episode 12
The sound of someone throwing up is distinguishable!
Sound glitches after 20-30 minutes
Is this dress too much for a wedding?
2011 Jetta SE 2.5 (stalling after start)
Lisa Barlow dethroning
Need confirmation
Are chamber errors a common issue for everyone?
Whitney calling out Meredith for lying about her on twitter
Do we really feel the hate towards Whitney is justified?
RHOSLC- Lisa the new Teresa
“Upgraded” Meijer Carts
Charges from 4801 Kimball
unpopular opinion
Wtf is wrong with Seth?
Lisa calling Heather at Bronwyn’s was so rude!