How does your tuxedo act at the vet?
Anyone want to play multiplayer and show me the ropes again haven’t played in years (xbox)
Be careful out there today folks
My local weather broke
Is this normal? Just started lol
Cooper's Hawk? (W/ prey)US N Bethesda, MD
Is Avarice's kill count higher this season?
One of the best name/titles I've seen
Demon of Hatred
Fashion & Rellana Twin Blade Dual-Wield Interactions
RIP Miya. Sende me cat pictures (preferably voids)
Removed from main subreddit, my choice is still 3
First gold split. I'll take it.
Black cats are 75% less likely to be adopted. Show off your Black Cats or Tuxedoes!
Anyone have other 'weird' pronunciations? Mine is crayon as 'crown' and wife can't stand it.
Finally a fitting title
Completion Trades
My first Gleeok encounter did not go as planned.
Mine roof hath been ARROW’D!!!
Remembering Brunchsquatch
Round 2 King gizzard fans fav non-king gizzard albums
Pen-Quiz Ep. 99: History
I'm a staunch Poops-at-Home. I think there are more Poops-Anywheres in the world. what are you??
LF Koraidon FT Moraidon Touch Trade