Have you ever received Federal public assistance - SNAP, Medicaid, FEMA, food banks, etc, and if so what is your story?
Why Shouldn’t Ukraine Insist on Security Guarantees?
Manager - bathroom issue
What happens to the 20.7% of Concord residents on Medicaid when Medicaid is cut?
online meeting privacy
How can I figure out why my electricity bill is now 4x price it used to be?
MAGA businesses to shop or avoid
What is your favorite disease / disorder?
New lumps on spine
People Are Talking
Depression has left my clothes with a smell that I can't seem to wash out, please help.
Who is this in Walnut Creek?
Redditors who've heard a gun shot go off, what happened?
What is a privilege that you have that you don’t think the majority has?
Local coworking spaces
What is the most unbiased news in the USA? or does such a thing exist?
How likely is it actually that antidepressants could be banned under the current US administration?
This kid fell asleep during an event at the White House, and Obama took a photo with him
U.S. Politics megathread
HELP. I think Tretinoin is CREATING lines & wrinkles on my face (See picture)
Experiences with SI Belts