More Upgradeable skeletons
Am I improving?
Layers of Game Design
Which one is you favorite ?
8 hours of work in 12 seconds
How do you like the cards' art style in our game?
Blink. Feedback appreciated!
pixel girl and vector version with pig tails
Which female game character stole your heart, and why?
Seasons in my game. Tell me what you think!
1-bit animation
scared shitless to be part of Steam Next Fest with my tower defense game 😫 hoping it'll do well
I am trying to learn pixel art
working on effects to keep myself sane (and motivated)
Pixel Crawler - Cooking Station
I am vengeance ,I am night, I am Batman
this shit suddenly appeared in my hand, what should i do?
This game is awesome!
Finally completed the Demo for my 2D shooter
When you announce the pixel art game you've been working on for almost a year...
social experiment
What one simple effect can add
Crewmate spinning
Cloud studies (over the course of 18 days)!
I implemented a 3D first person body, but the hands are 2D sprites, what do you think?