Jaký máte názor na povinnou vojnu? 🤔
Co z následujícího považujete za největší hrozbu pro budoucnost Evropy?
I have designed an fully 3d printable open source tracker, that rivals comerical offerings.
Can we add: Don't Sell to the USA
Are we Great Again yet?
Antiperle. Už jsem je dlouho nikde neviděla. Ví někdo, co se s nimi stalo?
Malé ryze české bonbóny
Trump calls Zelenskyy 'disrespectful' and warns he's 'gambling with WW3', adding: 'Make a deal or we're out'
Shrek republic polcompass
Co je podle vás nejlepší český film?
We should delete and ban Instagram NOW!
What i think is going on right now.
We should ban and delete Instagram NOW!
Insta is force feeding violence? or wants to cover something? I just saw at least 10 people die on my reels
Hi, Can you post here your's most favourite anti facist stickers? I would like to print some of them and clean our city a bit from a facist stickers. Thanks.
Had to share
Where i can find original source files for this antifa stickers I found on wikipedia ? I realy like the design. This is the best quality i found.
Valné shromáždění OSN schválilo rezoluci odsuzující ruskou invazi na Ukrajinu, podporovanou Kyjevem a státy EU, a to navzdory tomu, že USA hlasovaly proti a vyzvaly ostatní státy, aby tak učinily
I designed an fully 3d printable open source tracker.
Zkřížené kladivo se srpem
I have designed an fully 3d printable opne source tracker, that rivals comerical offerings. It's open source.
OG star tracker V2 is being released today.
My series of Norwegian sticker designs
Act like the Chinese