90 day tropes:
We get it, Juan is a "Dad now" and his life is different but does Jessica not have family or anyone that could have watched the kids the first night?
I wouldn’t want to have sex either if I had to bear witness to this face all the time
Ari & Bini - TLR
Someone plz explain this house layout.
Fixed my tmd after 8 yrs on Weds
Positive arthroscopy experience!
Dentists do not treat TMJ!!
AIO: Cut contact with this girl after this conversation…
I'm sick of Gino!
Did anyone here get pregnant with a second?
Do we think they’re legitimately in some sort of Brother Husband set up?
Your TMJ could be HSD or hEDS
What's the weirdest reason you've heard on why people have more than one child?
This face looks painful.
Jasmine says she has full custody of her children and will move back to Panama permanently if their visa petition gets rejected
what can i do to improve my makeup?
The photographer liking this comment has me ROLLINGGGGG
The defense of Jasmine is crazy to me
Florian tagging GINO on Jasmine’s pregnancy announcement😭💀💀
Is Gino a demon?
current everyday makeup b&a
AIO I’m hanging out at my friend’s house and I asked my mom to sleep over. Is this response normal?
Sophie says Rob is gay