What is so traumatizing about Goodnight Punpun?
Drop ur fav gay youtubers. I need some good ones
Guess my top artist
My father asked about the band
male singers who sound like girls
How do I start listening to CSH?
Random thought and unpopular opinion of the day: I find the Eraserhead baby adorable
What album is this?
Do i return this?
Feeling a Strong 0 / Light 1 on the new Ye merch
My Mom Heard Nett on The Radio?
Favorite album or artist
Songs with censored titles
Favourite Line from one of DLs Films?
Which songs from MtM do you specifically prefer over FtF
Curse the tricksters of the Gizz community..
Do you guys think if punpun was in modern day he’d be addicted to social media
furry nettspend
Worst album Anthony gave a 10?
songs that have a sound of a dog barking in the beat
Horniest gizz songs?
Chat how do I get a boyfriend
based on my emojis how old am i 🤡
The person behind Winkie's diner= Diane's Jungian Shadow?