Curing sausages in a smoker?
Bulk processing
Does anyone miss high-school?
Which one are you?
The semicolon tattoo is a terrible idea.
Bb slipped under choke while clay shooting
These people think they're doing God's work
When your parents ask you “get ready” and they take longer then you
We had the worst fashion style
When Italians claim every dish with noodles, then complain that it’s made wrong.
Just gonna leave this here……
How idiotic is this?!?!
Why is leaning against something while standing a thing Americans do?
How do you feel about the new Shrek look?
I don’t know what happened to everyone between old gunnit days and now, but this group has changed!
In light of recent Trummy pee pee sucking
Are ducks played out?
Roadrage only exists because dumbasses have forgotten the alternative
I'm spreading the word.
When people telling a story get hung up on details that would never matter to the listener
My Family Ate My Pet and Acted Like It Was No Big Deal
People who refuse to watch "long movies"
Ok, so this looks cool: Pine State Pistoleros
Hell must have frozen over because the overwhelming majority of replies to this lunatic who wants advice on her demented foster pit are actually sensible
Would you support Maine's secession to join Canada?
12 hour shifters, do you like it?