(question) will gaijin ever add tank realistic battles?
Vautour iia is the fastest aircraft we have ingame
I’m sorry I had to sealclub today
Nice🗿(I don't know what I did)
Here's the ammo on the Pzh 2000 if you don't know
Which Premium Aircraft/s Should I Buy?
Which one would you remove forever
The Khalid does look beautiful
That felling when custom platoons get added
POV: you're fighting Groznyy
Aren't we gonna realize that 2A4 has a log on it's rear like Soviet and Chinese tanks?
It cost 4,178,100 SL to buy the researchable American fighter tree.
I bought the IJN Fuso and this thing absolutely slaps hard than the warspite so heres my review
Reviews on Magach 6R Platoon.
Me and MaYo
IS-6 is a menace
What song are listening to while playing WTM?
127 mm AA 💀
Did bro skip leg day
Falcon = 2-Op
Place your guesses on the next platoon here
Should i buy hms king george v?
Which is the best one?