Berbagai akun kena hack, padahal sudah pakai Password Manager dan 2FA
Recently turned 18 and they're already this size... Peak fertility means fuckdoll material, right?
Always wondered what it would feel like having a guy appreciate my feet and ass
I think my dress is just a bit too long
Jual Rugi
Usual Commission Work Scam
Rental PlayStation 2 is Still Alive, But Wait.......
Why do attackers not simply attack the final objective directly - are they stupid?
That's it. Switching back to Cursor
I paid a designer $500 for this landing page but it feels off...
In hospital now, besok insya allah operasi
Dapet ojol food kayak begini 😟, bener2 pengalaman buruk. Ane sebagai konsumen bingung ngadepin ginian
#MenolakLupa KumpulBagi dan Diskokosmiko adalah situs upload dan download file paling lengkap dan cepat yang pernah eksis sampai tahun 2018an, user bisa upload dan download file cepat tanpa batas, tapi kena blokir njir
Reaksi HRD indo
Dear Codeium, WHAT THE FUCK?! vs
Any ideas for using Cursor on mobile?
Message from the Codeium Team
Generasi X - planning masa pensiun
Aplikasi Penjualan
Alternative to Windsurf?
Is Windsurf Really Getting Dumber?
What are your Costs?
Kalian pakai password manager apa?
Issue with steam account on ggg client