Got called out last night in a group setting for being an introvert
Someone drilled a hole in my tundra gas tank and idk what to do?
Two goldfish in a tank, one turns to the other and says...
Turns out, two fill valves are NOT better than one.
Hard to change gears with boots
My local weather broke
I have a theory about “older vehicles” and I know I’m right
What Car did You learn to drive manual on
Wallet/Key pocket
Right-handed ladle
Condom in wallet
Calling all car psychics, in honor of “Day of the Dead”, name the cars here.
I'm 51 years old and TIL I've been putting my belt on "backwards" my whole life
Locked up so hard it sheared all the flywheel bolts. Flywheel and clutch came out with the trans.
What's hanging off underneath my car?
Nissan somehow still in business
C/S they think they need an alignment
What's a creative way to respond to "fuck you"?
My hunter instincts were telling me "I'm in danger"
People who aren't afraid of dying, what makes you unafraid ?
Find the Drill Bit
I'm not sure that this is how it's supposed to go down
Horror Films That Stuck With You?