If this scene got a CGI pic
Songs with an N’ Instead of a NG in the Title
I'll rate your fav songs out of 10 !
Songs That Make Me Want to Go 120 in a School Zone
which friend has the best top 5?
What’s y’all’s favorite Vocaloid character, artist, and song?
Guess my age, gender and, I dunno, anything really.
Your top 9 artists
Which one of my favorites is your favorite?
Favorites collection of 2025
Who would you give the aux to?
ECTOPLASM/trvedarknezz on TikTok is terribly cringe
keller synth cover or some shit
Guess my age gender and #1 artist
Gusse my number 1
What does my music tastes tells about me?
what does my taste say about me??
am I cooked?
songs that have a sound of a dog barking in the beat
favorites from this rehearsal tape? kidnap and man with the dogs for me
guess my top artist based off of my top 7 artists
guess my top artist and age
Songs where the title and the artist combined make a sentence
Songs named after a place but don't mention that place in the lyrics
Give me songs to add please :3